There are many modalities we can use to heal ourselves. One important part to remember is we are spiritual beings inhabiting a body with a mind and emotions. In truth we are energy, and quantum physics has shown the interaction of our consciousness with energy is what creates the reality around us. We can say we are one consciousness that has chosen to express itself through many different forms in order to know itself. We are a fractal of the multiverse. We are a higher consciousness incarnated into a human body. Or we could say we are a soul that contains a body within it. We are multidimensional and creators, and this is something the global cult does not want us to know. They have kept us ignorant of our true nature and reduced us to the body and an idea life happens to us rather than us collectively co-creating our reality. On this planet we have been wiped of our memory of ourselves upon arrival, and for a long time subjected to forced reincarnation without returning to Source. This has been another diabolical tactic to keep us in low consciousness by bringing back our unresolved trauma into new lifetimes.
Many religions teach us God or Source is something outside of ourselves in order to disempower us. We have been split from our true nature as well as traumatized in human form, however, we can restore ourselves. We can heal the fragmented inner parts, our division from each other and nature and the separation from our divine essence. When we do so, we rise in consciousness and recover our potential. We regain our inherent abilities such as telepathy, self-healing of our bodies, our memory of all of who we are, teleportation, manifestation, dimensional travel and more. We remember our mission, where we came from and why we chose to be here on planet Earth at this transition point. We are here to restore ourselves and all life, and co-create a heaven on earth reality which is our true birthright. We start with intent and visualize what we want to create. Then we sit in that creation and feel the emotion of it as if it already has manifested, in other words the gratitude or joy of experiencing our creation. Lastly, we initiate some action in the world towards that intent or goal.
The first step to changing this reality is by integrating ourselves. Healing our bodies and minds reconnects us to ourselves, each other and our divinity. When we recover from our trauma and raise our frequency we begin to create and inhabit a new version of reality. Trauma disconnects us from our bodies and splits our consciousness. Once we reconnect, we have more of ourselves and our energy and are less susceptible to manipulation.
The Global Cult has invested much in poisoning our bodies, so we can begin by addressing our vessel. Everything we put in our mouths affects our consciousness. Our soil has been impoverished so that what we grow will not contain the necessary nutrients for our health. Add to that many foods have been genetically modified and many foods are synthetic. We have all seen the experiments with fast food and processed food having an unnatural shelf life and not decomposing. The nutrition guidelines given to us by our corrupt medical system are the inverse of what is healthy. We are seeing the push to eliminate farming and replace it with synthetic lab created food. What we eat is critical to restoring our health. We cannot trust corporate food and we are seeing the deliberate destruction of the global food supply. We have an easy solution; we can grow our own food. We can create small gardens in our yards, balconies and within our communities. We can support local farmers and ranchers and bypass the corporate structures. We can educate ourselves on true nutrition and the use of herbs for healing. We also need to detoxify our bodies on a regular basis. The best place to start is a parasite cleanse, we all have them in this reality. Our water has also been compromised, yet we have many methods of cleaning and purifying the water we drink. It is an important investment in our healing journey to ensure proper nutrition and hydration.
Our bodies also need exercise to function optimally. Our sedentary lives are unhealthy for our bodies and age us prematurely. Trauma causes dissociation from our bodies and exercise is an excellent way to heal that, as well as beneficial to our minds and our overall health. Walking can be an easy way to begin. Weight training can help connect us to our bodies and strengthening our muscles strengthens our psyche. The three best forms of exercise for trauma are martial arts, dance and yoga. As we heal our vessels, we increase our inner confidence and our consciousness.
Our emotions are an important layer to shedding the trauma. We need to feel our emotions in order to heal them. David Hawkins has a scale on consciousness which illustrates how frequencies are directly related to our emotional states. He refers to lower frequency emotions as survival emotions. The Dark Cult understands this and hence does everything possible to keep us in survival emotions, remember this is their food source. Hawkins’ chart shows each emotion and the frequency it vibrates at. Shame, guilt, apathy, and fear keep us in survival mode, with anger being at the top of that bandwidth. Courage is the point at which we begin to emerge into the higher frequencies. Healing takes courage, and eventually leads us to the higher frequency states that culminate in love, joy, peace and enlightenment. We can and indeed must raise our frequency, which itself creates a new world for us to inhabit and starves the parasites. Each one of us in a higher frequency is equivalent to thousands of people in lower frequencies. What we do individually does affect the collective.
It can be difficult to reach the emotions as the trauma causes a split between the event and the emotions associated. Sometimes the emotions emerge without the story behind them, however they can be expressed and let go. Sitting with our feelings and acknowledging them is a step towards cleaning them out. Emotions are like running water, which is clean if it is flowing but becomes stagnant when trapped. We have to feel the emotions in order to heal them. The fragmented parts or alters within us hold many emotions and need to be unburdened. As each abused part is seen, heard, felt and integrated, we heal a little more.
Research shows that 75% of SRA survivors report psychotherapy as the healing modality that helped the most. The Global Cult knows the importance of attachment and does what they can to disrupt it in human beings. With SRA attachment is brutally and deliberately broken from birth. In society in general attachment is deliberately curtailed by many means. The attachment and building of trust with a safe human being, which occurs with a good therapist, can be instrumental in our healing process. A vital practice in conjunction with therapy is journaling. Due to the fragmentation of our psyche and parts or alters being unaware of each other, it is important to keep a journal to retrieve memories and allow different parts to begin to communicate. Journaling, along with talking to a therapist help piece together our story.
Psychology misdirects parents to let their infants cry and keep them in a separate room by themselves. They distort attachment by convincing parents that responding to their child’s crying will create dependency. The reverse is true, babies need physical contact even more than food, which has been proven in psychological studies. An infant who is attended to grows up secure and is able to become self- sufficient and independent. Hospital births create a traumatic environment for both mother and child and babies are taken from their mothers and put in bassinets in a room together, discouraging mothers and infants natural bonding and connection. The United States has taken a position that discourages breastfeeding, which is a vital form of bonding and healthy nutrition for infants. Our economy is set up in such a way as to necessitate both parents working, so children are left in state care in their most important early developmental years. Education and media promote separation between children and families and the general stresses of daily life are structured so as to break that vital attachment bond.
When we can heal and integrate our inner parts with our adult self and our divinity, this is when healing occurs very quickly. An important aspect of working with inner child wounding is to first recognize we are triggered, and an inner child part has become activated. We sit and connect with that child part and see what age we are. We feel what they were holding and see and understand the event that occurred and the mental programs that were created in that moment. We can then release the emotions and lastly bring in our higher self and flood the child part with love and light.
Observing and questioning our thoughts is integral to our healing. We can think ourselves into negative emotional states. Outer people or events can trigger us, and so can our inner dialogue. Our brain does not know the difference between outer reality, a screen or our inner thoughts. It responds with the appropriate cascade of chemicals and puts us into fight or flight regardless. Being triggered leads us back to an inner wound and an erroneous belief we made in response. Being triggered is a way to find our inner wounding and is an avenue to healing. We are only triggered if we have a corresponding inner trauma that becomes activated. The person who triggers us is a catalyst to finding that wound. We can then take personal responsibility and reframe the situation. Being triggered is akin to time traveling to an unhealed trauma and reliving it. The mistake we make is in reacting to the present event or person, rather than recognizing they are merely activating something that exists inside us. Triggers are threads back into excavating reactive places and clearing them out. We have physical hygiene as a daily routine, but we don’t tend to develop mental hygiene regarding our thoughts. A critical part of healing is to monitor and question our own thoughts.
It goes without saying that technology exists that can insert thoughts into our minds. The most ubiquitous example is the smart phone. DARPA created communication technologies and that is not an accident. Mind control by suggestion is one layer, actually inserting destructive thoughts is another. The military has voice to skull technology and developed myriads of ways to alter both our thinking and emotional states. It is important to know this and question our own thoughts and concomitant emotions, especially when we find ourselves in lower frequency states.
Our brains have a component for fight or flight, and when those are unavailable, freeze. This part of the brain is meant to become activated in a situation of survival. The brain cannot distinguish between a situation of actual danger or scary thoughts. When we watch a movie, we startle or feel fear despite knowing the action is in a screen. We can see how fight, flight and freeze manifest in our lives. Flight is exemplified by addictions of all kinds, an escape from the fearful reality. With Fight, we go after each other and are angry and blaming. We freeze into helplessness and become zombified and robotic. The Global Cult understand human psychology and manipulate our nervous systems to further their nefarious agenda. The fake global pandemic is a prime example. A flu with a 99.98% survival rate was marketed as a deadly virus, and despite all evidence to the contrary people responded as if this were true and went so far as to inject themselves with an experimental bioweapon in response. Fear is the best tool in the arsenal of the psychopathic elite, hence knowing how our nervous system works and taking the time to calm our system and not make decisions until we return to baseline, is essential.
We have been traumatized and manipulated into creating a negative reality, which traps us. A prime example is victim mentality, which is being fomented all around us. The victim-perpetrator-savior triangle is a mental trap the controllers use to keep us disempowered. In our healing process, we do go through a stage where we acknowledge our victimization. It is important not to stay there. The savior program has been a favorite of the Global Cult. They create the problem, anticipate our reaction and present us with a savior or solution, which drives us deeper into their desired outcome. We have been led to believe the medical system will save us. Politicians will save us. Religious figures will save us. ET’s will come down in spaceships and save us. This Psyop keeps us waiting and giving our power away. We have been conditioned to believe we need an external savior because we are helpless victims. This is a disempowered state and we cannot rise out of our enslavement until we understand it is our responsibility to save ourselves. And we begin this process by healing our traumas.
We do have control over our internal states, and can choose to live in a higher frequency manner. We do in fact create the reality around us, both individually and collectively. Our self-talk and the words we use can influence our DNA. Dr. Emoto’s research on water is a prime example of how frequency can affect us. He taped words like LOVE and HATE on glasses of water. He then froze the water and looked at the crystals under a microscope. The water with positive words created beautiful, harmonic crystals. The water with negative words created deformed crystals. This is good news as it means we can change our personal and collective reality. If we heal ourselves and rise in frequency, we draw more of the same to us, like attracts like. The truth is we are divine beings with immense power, we do not need to become anything, rather we need to shed that which is blocking our true nature. Each of us that heals is like a light that turns on. As more of us do so, our collective light illuminates the darkness and erases it. As more and more of us rise in frequency, it affects the quantum field and facilitates collective consciousness rising.
The best way to raise our frequency and to manifest what we want in our lives is gratitude. We can make it a daily practice to say or write down what we are grateful for, including having a home, food, water and loving relationships. In quantum reality this gratitude generates more of what we are grateful for into our material reality. We can sit quietly for 15 minutes each day to connect with ourselves and our higher power. It is important to create a space outside of the daily bustle to just BE. We cannot hear our internal guidance if we are not still.
We have been kept from the true knowledge of how reality operates. We do have the power to co-create our collective reality. We do have the ability to shed the chains that keep us trapped. We do have the power to reconnect all of ourselves, reconnect with each other and reconnect with our higher selves, Source, God, or whatever name we have for the All.
We can see the Dark Age as our teacher, and grow beyond it. Let’s heal ourselves and return to the frequency we were meant to be. In so doing, we heal all of Creation along with us. We are in a collective dark night of the soul. It is the birth canal to a higher version of ourselves. The old global control structures are dying before our eyes, the light has won. Global consciousness is rising, and each of us that restores ourselves and steps into our power drives the transition faster. This is how powerful we truly are. We are entering a Light Age. Let the revolution begin with us and our courage to heal and rise to our fullest potential.
Excellent, uplifting words, as usual, Max. Thank you!
Thanks Max!