Shadow work or Inner work consists of healing and integrating our traumas, subconscious programming and shadow parts in order to rise above our limitations and become united with our higher selves.
Running away from our shadow is a lesson in futility itself because it's a part of us. The only way that leads away from it is the way through it, into the light. Shadow work alchemises the darkness into light, layer by layer, fragment by fragment, until what binds us to our own shadows is dissipated and consciousness itself rises into the higher frequencies of enlightenment. The way from the shadow is through it - this is the way 🙏
Running away from our shadow is a lesson in futility itself because it's a part of us. The only way that leads away from it is the way through it, into the light. Shadow work alchemises the darkness into light, layer by layer, fragment by fragment, until what binds us to our own shadows is dissipated and consciousness itself rises into the higher frequencies of enlightenment. The way from the shadow is through it - this is the way 🙏